Mindwise Psychology Practice

We provide psychological counselling and consultancy services to children, adolescents and adults

Adult Unit:
Our Psychologists utilise a client-centered approach to provide solutions to a wide range of mental health issues for older adolescents and adults. Our services include:
- Individual, couples and group counselling
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Injury claims (personal, work, and motor vehicle accident matters)
- Report Writing (Immigration, Centrelink, court and other reports)
- Psychological IQ Testing
- Consultancy, workshops and training
- Online, video-conference (Skype) or telephone consultations

Child unit:
To assist children to achieve their full potential socially, emotionally, and academically, we offer:
- Assessment and early intervention counselling
- Home based programs and school consultation
- Comprehensive assessments for: school readiness, giftedness, learning difficulties, developmental delay, Autism spectrum disorder, and ADHD
- Training and workshops for children and schools
- Body image and self-esteem issues

Disability Services
We provide the following services for people with complex needs including challenging behaviours, early childhood issues, and communication difficulties(?):
- Behaviour Intervention and Support
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Individual Assessment and Counselling
- Specific individual assessments (cognitive, adaptive, functional analysis, support needs, eligibility, communication, vocational, and independent living skills assessment)
- Legal Reports (Guardianship/Court)
- Consultancy services for individuals, families and organisations
- Training Skill Development Programs for individuals and groups:
o Problem Solving Skills
o Anger Management
o Social Skills Training
o Communication Training
o Stress Management
o Parenting Skills Training
Behaviour Support Training for Professional

Author Credits ::

Phone: 1300 788 064
Mobile: 0477 118 184
Fax: (02) 8252 0820
Email: z.nikro@mindwise.org.au

Suite 5, Level 1,
925-941 Canterbury Rd
Roselands NSW 2196

432 Chapel Rd
Bankstown NSW 2200