Big Changes Afoot - Going Back to The Future

Filed under SBSN News

Things need to change... and with all the nonsense going on with search engines "devaluing" directory based web sites - no matter how "good" or "established" they might be - I have had to take drastic steps to "clean up" the content on this site.

Seriously... this ongoing battle I have with certain search engines is getting beyond a joke, especially considering the content and submissions on this site have always been moderated by a real person!

Additional recent ongoing spam relaying email attempts have also played havoc with our reputation online...

As such... I have decided that :

  • ALL business listings have now been REMOVED from this website - until I can program a much more workable alternative. In the meantime, I will attempt to provide listings from other sources to keep my visitors happy - this may take a couple of weeks to implement.

  • ALL pages will be updated/revamped in an effort to NOT use Wordpress any more on this site - it seems there were too many holes which were targets for our spam emailers to get into the server... so those leaks are now being PLUGGED!

In a sense, I am now going back to my roots and trying to get better known for providing support for Aussie online businesses, which, even though I have been doing just that since 1997, the major search engines don't think that sort of longevity is so important in their scheme of things these days!!!

Time for me to prove em wrong :)

Stephen Spry