
The Small Business Support Network
Helping you get more from your business!


Our Client Sites

My Own

OzSmallBiz - this site... helping provide "useful" advice about online ventures, and featuring a business directory.

Australia's Careers OnLine, JobsPLUS and The Resume Wizard
BIG sites established from my previous life as a high school careers adviser - useful as a testing ground for new ideas, and also the traffic generated is great for running ads for clients.
More recently, the Job Seekers Workshop targets a more international audience.

Come On Aussie Dot Com and OzGateway are Australian web site directories - again useful to advertise client sites as they get excellent traffic.

Voppie Search Network is a collection of nine topic specific sites which aim to redefine internet search and web site promotion. A BIG global project!

The "Aussie Offers" Membership Rewards Program is a nationwide, "Buy Australian" loyalty program, where Aussies can show their support for fair dinkum Australian businesses!

New Sites Currently Under Development...

RSS is KING That's right! RSS - or Really Simple Syndication - is the NEW King of Content! This site has all the info, software and feeds needed to use it properly in your business!

Latest Articles is an "article aggregation" service, where we bring together in one place, the newest articles from the world's top article banks. This makes it extremely easy for you to locate fresh content which can be included on your web site.

Client Sites

Shopping Sites

All with full carts & secure ordering
PerfumeStop - Over 800 perfumes at highly discounted prices - uses Voppie Software
O'lele Giftware - finding the best quality, most precious gift, for a beautiful person
PNF Figurines - toy soldiers
Norfolk Punch and Colonial Herbs - herbal products

"Package" Sites

More info here... Office Furniture Warehouse - Need any office furniture? You know where to start looking...
Visually Flavoured - Brazilian Swimwear - uses Voppie Software
Elm Grove Mountain Retreat - Snowy Mountain Getaway
Archer Emery and Associates provides advice and assistance to companies that import, manufacture or sell medicines in Australia and New Zealand.
Glass With Distinction - John Ditchfield glass pieces
Color Tech Toner & Inks - for toner and ink
Pharmacy Business Brokers and - business broker specialising in pharmacies.

Other Client Sites

Mistletoe Wines - small, family-owned vineyard and cellar door in the Hunter Valley.
North Haven Bowling Club - local recreational facility
Haven Waters Motel & Suites - local motel
Dunbogan Caravan Park - local caravan park
A Total Adventure - local adventure operators
McKenzie Hall - bulky goods property management
Open Wiring - manufacturer of electrical cable assemblies
Bizefied - business consultant
QuickDraw Advertising - tea bag squeezer advertising
Plants That Please - plant wholesaler
Millaa Park - caravan park in Nth QLD
Westen Hunting - hunting properties

I hope these sites give you some idea of what I can do... and I do welcome customer input into the design and structure.

Any further questions, please give me a call, or send an email. I am only too pleased to offer advice if I can, and provide all my clients with full support.